Books in Hiebert Library are arranged using call numbers based on the Library of Congress Classification system. See our guide "How to Read a Call Number" if you need an introduction to how call numbers work.
Books in Hiebert Library are assigned call numbers based on the Library of Congress Classification system.
Most books in the area of biblical studies can be found in the following call number ranges:
1-2970: The Bible
410-780: Works about the Bible
701-1830: Old Testament
1901-2970: New Testament
Refer to the map of Hiebert Library for help finding where these call number areas are located.
Library resources in the Hiebert library are organized by subject, using the Library of Congress Classification system. Often, the best way to find resources is by doing a Subject search.
Users often use keyword searches, which can be helpful, but don’t fully capture the collections resources. You can visit the Search Strategies guide to help you strengthen your library searches.
Below are only a sample of useful subject headings you can use to find resources in various areas of the discipline. You can use the Advanced Search in the Search Hiebert Library search boxes embedded throughout the guides to subject search and find resources in the library discovery service.
Helpful hint: When searching for a particular book in the Bible, always insert the word "Bible" before the name of the book, to prevent too many irrelevant results. For example, a subject search for "Bible John" will be much more helpful than a keyword search for "John."
Another helpful hint: For all the examples below, you may also want to add the words "Old Testament" or "New Testament" after the word "Bible," in order to find items on that topic pertaining to that portion of the Bible (for example, Bible -- New Testament -- Dictionaries).
Bible -- Antiquities
Bible as literature
Bible -- Commentaries
Bible -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bible -- Dictionaries
Bible -- Evidences, authority, etc.
Bible -- Geography
Bible -- Hermeneutics
Bible -- History of biblical events
Bible -- Homiletical use
Bible -- Inspiration
Bible -- Introductions
Bible -- Prophecies
Bible -- Study and teaching
Bible -- Theology
Biblical teaching: consider adding this term to any other term in order to find items on what the Bible says about that subject. See, for example, Wealth -- Biblical teaching.)