Books in Hiebert Library are arranged using call numbers based on the Library of Congress Classification system. See our guide "How to Read a Call Number" if you need an introduction to how call numbers work.
Most books in the field of music can be found in the following call number ranges:
M: Music (collections and scores)
ML: Literature on music
MT: Instruction and study
Refer to the map of Hiebert Library for help finding where these call number areas are located.
Library resources in the Hiebert library are organized by subject, using the Library of Congress Classification system. Often, the best way to find resources is by doing a Subject search.
Users often use keyword searches, which can be helpful, but don’t fully capture the collections resources. You can visit the Search Strategies guide to help you strengthen your library searches.
Below are only a sample of useful subject headings you can use to find resources in various areas of the discipline. You can use the Advanced Search in the Search Hiebert Library search boxes embedded throughout the guides to subject search and find resources in the library discovery service.
Band music
Blues music
Chamber music
Choral music
Composition (Music)
Dance music
Folk music
Folk songs
Instrumental music
Music appreciation
Music -- History and criticism
Music -- Instruction and study
Music -- Philosophy and aesthetics
Music --Social aspects
Music theory
Music therapy
Orchestral music
Popular music
Rock music
Vocal music