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New library tutorial course now available!

A new Hiebert Library video series is now available on Canvas! The course is a series of tutorial videos highlighting ways to make research more efficient and effective. The videos can be viewed in order or individually by topic. 

Follow these easy instructions to access the videos:

  1. Sign into Canvas
  2. On the left hand side, choose the Help prompt.
  3. Click on “Library Orientation”
  4. Self-enroll in the Hiebert Library Orientation course.

The class is self-paced and no grade will be given, unless required by a teacher.

Library Hours


Library Guides

Not sure how to find things in the library? Confused about library policies? Our Library Guides will clear it up for you! They're your first stop for learning what you need to know about the library.

Faculty resources

Information about faculty library services: putting items on reserve, scheduling a library instructional session, or recommending a new resource for the library, etc.

Mennonite Library & Archives

This special collection library and archives is the largest of its kind in the far western United States. It is also the archives for FPU.

Ask Hiebert Library

A list of Frequently Asked Questions (and their answers) is available here. Submit a new question if you don't see yours answered on the list.

Can't find it in the library?

The library won't always have what you need, but we have ways of finding it for you! Link+ and inter-library loan (ILL) can open up another whole world of research possibilities.

Hiebert Library, Fresno Pacific University | 1717 S. Chestnut Ave. Fresno, CA 93702 | (559) 453-2090 |
Library Facebook page  Library Instagram page