Hiebert Library subscribes to Academic Video Online, a collection of over 66,000 academic documentaries and other video resources. These videos may be streamed on any personal device when logging in through the library's discovery service. They may be found either by using the regular discovery service search function, or by accessing the Academic Video Online site directly.
Finding videos with the library discovery service
All available videos appear automatically when searching the library discovery service.
Videos may be difficult to find in this results list since there are so many more online articles available there. In order to limit your search to only videos, be sure to select the Streaming Video option in the Content Type section of the gray Refine Your Search box on the left side of the screen after getting your results.
Accessing the Academic Video Online site directly
To access the Academic Video Online site directly, simply search for "Academic Video Online" in the library discovery service. Once on the site, you may use the search box to look for whatever video resources you need without having to sort through other kinds of results that the library discovery service might provide.