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Hiebert Library: Faculty Resources

Subject Index

Faculty Resources

The following are links to resources available for faculty at Fresno Pacific University.

If you have questions about the library, please contact us via:
Chat with a Librarian (click tab in upper right corner of screen)
Phone: (559) 453-2090
Or come in and see us during our open hours!

Please try to fill out these forms at least 2 weeks in advance of when you need these services. This helps us manage our workload and get your requests finished in a timely manner. Thanks!

Request a Library Instruction Session

Use this form to request that a librarian come to their class to talk about research or other information literacy topics. Please fill out the request form at least 2 weeks in advance.

Request to Hold an Event in the Library

Use this form to request to hold an event at the library. 

Place a Book on Reserve

Faculty wishing to request that a book be placed on the reserve shelf should read our policies and fill out the submission form.

Suggest a New Resource

You may suggest resources to be added to the collection at the Hiebert Library. We are open to ordering resources needed for classroom/student support and for individual academic research needs. Please make sure that they are not already accessible in print or as an Ebook before requesting. Please also review our library policy on textbook acquisition before requesting.

Successful collection development and library acquisitions requires the assistance of professors to help develop the collection in individual fields. If you are a faculty member and you'd like to actively work with a librarian to develop our collection in your subject area further, please contact our Acquisitions Librarian.

Adding Library Guides to Canvas

Would you like to add LibGuides to your Canvas Classes? Contact the Center for Online Learning for assistance.

Copyright and Fair Use Questions

Copyright can be difficult to navigate. Feel free to contact us with any questions you might have. If we don't know the answer, we may know someone who does. Keep in mind that you are responsible for following copyright guidelines in your courses. Although we can provide advice on best practices, we are not copyright lawyers and we are in no way able or qualified to offer actual legal advice.